When I stand in the 3rd base coaching box I attempt to get the batter to think he can hit it. I want him to focus on the task at hand and I share encouragement. “You can do it!” “You’re a hitter!” “You’ve done it before you can do it again!” I want him to believe he will be successful!
One of the phrases that the kids hear from me is “See the ball, Hit the ball!” I want to break it down to the simplest thought we can have.
I’d like to take credit for the phrase but it came from Cincinnati baseball great, Pete Rose. He shared that “See the Ball Hit the Ball,” when he was asked, “What do you think about when you are in the batter’s box?” “Think!” he snarled at us while we stood with microphones outstretched to hear the all time hits-leader share his secrets. “I don’t think … I see the ball, I hit the ball!” Wow! How simple. Don’t get lost in deciding if its a curve ball or slider; don’t worry that you are down by one run; don’t worry that you need the win to make the playoffs. Just focus on one thing. “See the ball, Hit the ball.”
It’s a great philosophy for life. What I call “Right Here, Right Now!” That’s what we can control, that’s where we are, and Right Here, Right Now is where we can take steps to control our future. How simple!
When I am working out in the gym, pushing weight or jogging on the tread mill it’s Right Here, Right Now that will get me to the goal I have of being in shape. Yes, I need to plan and see the outcome I want, but I need to focus on what I do Right Here and Right Now. Put down the donuts (Right Here Right Now) and speed up the treadmill (Right Here Right Now); add a few more repetitionss with the weights (Right Here Right Now.) What I do in the present will create the future.
I need to put that philosophy to work in all parts of my life. Health, Faith, Family, Relationships, and Career. Each time I pick up a bat and go the plate I need to hear the 3rd base coach encouraging me ” Gary! You can do it. You can make the sales call! You can get in shape! You can deepen your relationship with Christ! You can show Judy how much you love her! You can let Tara know she is the best ever first grade teacher! You can take a positive, encouraging attitude everywhere you go today.” Gary, just be the best you can be – RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW! Everything else will be influenced by what you do – Right Here, Right Now!
How simple!