There’s a guy in the gym, nice guy, but he keeps to himself. At least he did not talk with me. He trains people and he keeps an intense look on his face. Better do what he says!
One day a young lady was next to me on the treadmills. She shouted down to the ‘intense’ trainer on the workout fl0or below. “Is that a new shirt?” She got an intense head nod in the affirmative. ” I like it!” she shouted above the noise of the TV. Mr. Intense smiled. He smiled at her! Didn’t know he could do that. So I yelled out “I like it too!” It was a nice purple. He looked at me like he wanted to take my head off. No smile. Intense!
A couple of days later I was in one of the workout rooms talking to a friend. Mr. Intense stepped into the large room and asked if he and his client could use some equipment in the room. When he came in I said “Mr. Intense”, (not his real name), “the other day a pretty young lady said she liked your new shirt. You smiled at her. I said I also liked the shirt and you looked upset that I talked to you. What’s up?”
Mr. Intense smiled. Second time I’ve see that. Looked good! But no verbal response.
In future encounters Mr. Intense and I would pass each other and say hello. It escalated to “How’s it going today?” Then we moved to sentences and paragraphs. Truth be told, I enjoyed Mr. Intense quite a bit. So then I asked him. Why the intense look all the time? “It’s the persona,” he said. “I want people to know I’m serious.”
Mr. Intense was a college football player. He was a talented defensive end and there is no doubt in my mind that it was serious business when he mixed it up on the football field. Intense. But he didn’t have to frown for someone to understand he was serious. He just knocked them on their butt! He got results!
With that understanding as a guideline I attempted an analogy between what he did and what he is doing.
” Mr. Intense, the gym is not the football field and you don’t have to frown for someone to understand you mean business in helping them develop their body. Just share your skills with them, give them value and make them better. Get the results!” He was still looking pretty serious. “And you can smile while you do it. In fact they might like you more and that would make it easier for them to follow your intense workout. Encourage them with positive reinforcement and work in a smile and a ‘way to go!’ now and then.”
He didn’t hit me after I called him out. Instead he sat back and looked at me like he was thinking about what I shared. That’s what great players do. They listen to the coach and then figure out how they are going to incorporate this new information into a game plan and then results. Mr. Intense is a smart guy.
The next time we were in the gym together Mr. Intense walked up and said “Hey you got it!”
“Got what ?” I asked. “You got the juice, ” he said.
“The juice?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he said. “You got the energy … the excitement.” He smiled.
Mr. Intense knows what he’s doing making people better in the gym. And now he’s sharing the energy, excitement, and the smile to add even more value to the value he brings. He’s bringing the Juice! And when you bring the Juice, it’s easier to get to the results! It becomes your persona… it becomes who you are, and clients, and everyone else, will listen and respond to your suggestions when you add a little juice along with the instruction.